I have pandemic hair

My last haircut was in February.

And no, I’m not going to show you the mop of thin fine hair covering my scalp.

Seeing a current photo of me with this hair would scar you for life.

I hoping to get my hair cut in August.


I don’t dare cut my own hair, because I suck at it.

I cut my husband’s hair in 1973, and I’m sure one of the reasons we divorced soon after was that haircut.

Anyone else need a haircut?

Pandemic pastimes


I’m an old woman now, retired.

I’ve got some health issues, so I’m following the advice of my doctor and mostly staying at home.

I play my word and puzzle games, listen to Audible books, and relive the old days of comedy television on YouTube. My favorite is the elephant sketch from The Carol Burnett show.

Too funny!